Since 2006, the EAS Youth Forum is conducted as one of the special events of the EAS Congress to provide an avenue for East Asia’s young leaders to learn more about ocean governance and coastal management, interact with various stakeholders, and apply such learning and skills through community engagement including activities, initiatives, and projects.
The EAS Youth Forums have now reached more than 200 youths and were able to enhance their potentials in pursuing their respective initiatives for the seas of East Asia. Recognizing the crucial role of youth in carrying forward all efforts that have been undertaken towards the sustainable development of the East Asian Seas, the EAS Youth Forum has already launched a number of initiatives to engage the future ocean leaders of this region.
Sustaining the youth’s involvement and interest on coastal and ocean development, however, requires more strategic and innovative programming. Building on the successes of the past four EAS Youth Forums, the Fifth EAS Youth Forum (YF5) aims to lay out a concrete PEMSEA Youth Programme that would integrate youth involvement in key initiatives and regular activities at the local level or ICM sites as well as in various PEMSEA activities. This will also pave the way in linking the PEMSEA Youth Programme to existing networks of PEMSEA such as the PNLG and the PNLC. In support of this programme, the YF5 will also launch the first PEMSEA Youth Council who will be responsible in ensuring the implementation of the Youth Programme activities/initiatives in their respective organizations/communities with guidance from PEMSEA.
The PEMSEA Youth Programme will enable more sustainable engagement of youth in PEMSEA-related initiatives particularly at the local level, and pave the way to developing more youth leaders for the sustainable development of the East Asian Seas in the future.
PEMSEA understands that young people will play a hugely important role in the future of our coasts and oceans and the success of the SDS-SEA. True sustainability of our shared seas can only be achieved if youth are actively involved in managing coastal and marine resources and share in the vision of a healthy coastal and marine environment put forth by the global ocean agenda.
Participation Details
The deadline for applications has now passed. Applicants will be hearing from us soon.
For inquiries about the Fifth EAS Youth Forum, please contact the EAS Secretariat at eascongress2018@pemsea.org.
Key Dates to Remember:
Call for application
April to May 2018
Deadline for application
June 30, 2018
Confirmation of participants
June to July 2018
Coordination with selected participants
August to October 2018